Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I am a cell phone dinosaur

I have never sent a text message before. There. I said it. Somehow that makes me feel so old. The thing is, very few of my friends send text messages either. When we want to talk to each other we actually pick up the phone and dial (gasp!). Most of the people I know who send text messages actually are a bit older than me--the people who have teens and tweens who use their phones to keep up with their kids. My friends tend to be of the age where their kids are babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. We don't need text messaging to keep up with our kids, so we don't use it. And since texting wasn't around when we were teens ourselves, we don't feel the need to use it to communicate with each other, either. I am sure, though, that in ten years or so, I will be up with whatever the latest cell phone technology is so that I can keep up with my son (who is due to be born in 11 days, not that I am counting or anything!)

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